
Kitty Lambda is my project company to organize and release my games, writing, and art.

My name is Calvin French. I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

My current game projects are Paradise Never, Rapala, and Venture the Void.

I send out kickstarter-like email updates. Sign up here:


Latest News

Novella: Carmela's Weekend

Here is a short novella that I have had kicking around for a few years, and finally found the (whatever it takes to finish things) to finish it. It's easiest and least-creative-blocking for me to just put things on my website, I mean that is literally why I have this website, so I'm happy to do that.

Please enjoy and share.

Carmela's Weekend

Also: Stuff

Also a general update on some things going on. It's been literally five years since I updated "What's New." I haven't done a lot but I have done some stuff in five fuckin' years, man.

I continue to work on Paradise Never. It's slow going but it's vaguely coherent, which is something it never has been before. It matters a lot to me.

In terms of games, I am not working too much on anything else, in particular I'm paused on Rapala. I will to return to it. What's Rapala? Well it's a game, and my digestible tag for it is "cooperative creative roguelite." There is a private demo on itch.io, actually if you want that please ping me on Mastodon.

I have a piano sonata I would like to get up here, but I want to notate it. I do have a PDF of handwritten score with lots of mistakes and barely readable, I might put that up in the meantime.

I've got other stuff in progress of course.

I got an old but fun game, "floateye", working with modern computers. Bless the Allegro people. If you have old Allegro games you should know it's kind of trivial to get them building again. Anyways, I might put that up in some form, even though it's got no sound effects, because, well, it's fun.

I have a page on source hut, I can't find the link but I might put some old games source code up there.

Site ©2014-2023 Kitty Lambda

For your reference, today you will have: big trouble.