Harrilam's First Day.

The boss showed him the kitchen.

There were several people milling about and chatting. Someone who was kind, seeing he was new, stopped for a moment and offered him something:

"Do you want one?" She held a small cheap plastic clamshell container with miniature chocolate cupcakes, each about the size of a nickel, and half with white icing and half with miniaturely-shredded coconut. They looked delicious. Harrilam reached out for one, "Yes please" but immediately withdrew his hand, "No thank you" because he remembered was on a diet. It was a little awkward to switch so quickly but the woman offering the cupcake to Harrilam shrugged and turned to her co-worker: "We need to come up with a name for these." Harrilam made a mental note but didn't want to say that they were called cupcakes just yet.

His boss smiled at him, touched his shoulder lightly and pointed.

"The dishwasher is broken. There is a weight sensor that doesn't go off. If you want to wash your travel mug, you just need to climb inside with it in order to get it to turn on."

Over the years Harrilam did this many times, it felt awkward but he could climb inside and hold his travel mug closely while it was washed. There was a light inside. The first time had been simple obediance and not wanting to give the impression that he was difficult. Soon he saw everyone in the office did it. Years later, however, he began to worry that the dishwasher might be using UV or other radiation as part of it's cleaning process. He wondered what he had been exposed to and it made him shudder.

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