I did it because I felt obligated.


The Real Texas Almost done. Almost!
  • This is my main project; just a few days ago I finished working on the final boss battle and so in some sense it is "feature complete". I am polishing, and it will still need lots of work before it's ready to be released. But wow.
  • I entered this game into Penny Arcade Expo early this year, where it was not selected.
  • I also entered it into the IGF, and we'll see.
  • I've just been playing it. I'm really happy with it, and wow-- it's already very polished!
New Bike
  • I built myself a Surly Long Haul Trucker this year. The frame was not too expensive and wow was it worth every penny to finally have a bike that fits me well. I love it to pieces but unfortunately can't ride it in the winter. I took it out for quite a few +100KM trips this summer.
  • My partner and me went to visit friends in Victoria, which was a blast. We then took the ferry to Seattle. Lots of fun, what a great town.


Most of these are on the Games Page.

Demonic Farmer Gabo Finished, but unreleased.
  • A farming sim with a twist. Finished, but unreleased. I'd like to rework it for keyboard-only input.
Whales of Aelia Finished, but unreleased.
  • A sci-fi story game that I entered into LD early this year. I revised it and submitted to Asimov's Science Fiction magazine, but it was rejected just a couple days ago. C'est la vie.
Life, Death and a Day at the Beach Released.
  • Three silly games for PIRATE KART II.
Paradise Perfect Boat Rescue Released.
  • A cool little 3D game I made in a mad blitz where you are rescuing little villagers. I'd like to get this ready for android tablets when they are available later in 2011 (I guess?)
  • It's not selling very well on the Intel AppUp store.
  • Screenshots are here.
The Legend of Elkanah Released.
  • An experimental bible story game. I played this over again last night and found I was actually really satisfied with it.
Waterwheel Released.
  • A sort-of toy based on a book called CHAOS. Based on the lorenz attractor.
GUN Released, but only on the Winnitron 1000.
  • I am really happy with this game. If you are near the Winnitron 1000, please give it a shot. As it is completely designed around a 2 player, arcade experience, I haven't figured out how to release it more widely yet. I hear there is a Torontotron and maybe a Winnitron coming to Sao Paulo, and to Calgary...

IN PROGRESS in 2010, not yet finished.

Diver after Coral. 30% Done. Asha's Belt. 10% Done.
  • There are screenshots and more in the Flashpunk Forums Thread.
  • This is a large experimental project that I'm not sure I will finish. It's an advanced RTS story-based RPG in flash. Although I'm calling it 10% done, actually there is a lot in there. If I can get a few more features in I might be able to turn it into a game fairly quickly.
See you in 2011!


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