At last.. IT IS TIME TO DIE!

Games are funny. Or at least it's funny how my game development tends to go. I tend to get some core mechanics in very, very late. In fact, usually I get death itself in very late. Hmn.

@p Anyhow, I need to implement dying, since I've now got a slime burning status effect. This is what happens if you pick up something that is slimy or maybe if you step in slime, I don't know.

@p If you stay slimed for too long, you'll die from sliminess. I don't know exactly what causes the death but it's sort of an acid-burn type thing.

Death Mode

This leads me to my next observation. I need a separate play mode for death. A play mode is basically a very broad level control. Title screen is a play mode. Explore is a play mode. That's about it. Everything in the game takes place in "explore" mode, which shows the map, lets you walk around, etc. etc.

@p Title shows the title screen and helps you with menu options.

@p Death shows your death screen. I could maybe re-use title playmode for it but, somehow I don't want to. I'm not sure why.

@p Rather than call it, Death, however, I decided I would like it to be more generic. So I'm calling it "story" playmode. I will structure it more around telling a story with text and pictures than navigating a menu and saving/loading games.

@p Other than that, I'm not sure yet. First iteration I guess will just show some text about your death.


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