Game Development Season is Here!

Yes, the flakes are falling and it feels better than ever to sit inside, cozy with tea and do game development.My life has been a whirlwind for the past couple months! What have I been doing? Well, I've been getting married! That's sort of a big job, unfortunately (why does it have to be so complicated, wedding planning? Well it's done now...) Then, the honeymoon, which was fun but an adventure. Then back to the daily grind and some work to catch up on. But now the snow is falling and I have time for game development, once again.I'm implementing myself! This is what I look like so far:It's really a smashing likeness, I assure you. Well there may be a bit of tweaking here, yet.So, things resume. I have a rule in life, which is you have to make priorities of things that are important to you, and not lose yourself in the day-to-day. I did a pretty good job, these past few months, of finding a few minutes or hours here and there to keep working on Texas. Not so much to make meaningful progress, for certainly it's been effectively stalled. But more, just to keep inertia, to keep things "alive".


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