OGMO Editor Tutorials

A banner image saying OGMO Tutorial! "Hey, you! Yeah, you!"

Who, me?

"See anybody else around here?

But... it's a website... this joke is kinda lame...

"Wanna make games!? Eh? Do ya?"

Ooh... I just met you and this is crazy but... I do wanna make games maybe...

"Well check out OGMO Editor! It'll let you make levels for games."

I immediately regret that last joke...

"If you wanna see the tutorials, CLICK HERE!"

Can we add some goofy anime portraits to this...?

@p ...

@p ...

@p ...

@p Gosh the weird stuff I put on my front page... Anyways I made some tutorials for Matt Thorson's excellent OGMO Editor. It's a map editor for 2D games, if you are looking for such a thing or (worse/better yet) are thinking about programming your own please do check it out.

@p OGMO may just be the ticket you are looking for!


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