January Slowdown

Work (where I earn moneys) has been really busy this year, plus there is a usual slowdown after holidays. Takes some getting used to life's rhythm in order to do indie game dev, because if life gets a bit chaotic the dev is usually the first thing to go. Anyways! That said I'm battoning down a little bit and getting to work:

@p This morning I'm finishing putting the carry/drop system in. Then you'll be able to carry certain objects around, and also drop items onto the ground as well. Some objects can fit in your pack (these are "items") and of these you can have up to 9. However, other ones you must carry in your hands, and when you are carrying them you must holster your gun.

@p The other thing I recently did, which wasn't on a list, was add a bottom edge to the terrain. Since the world is sort of divided into "blocks" or "screens", there is an edge on every area beyond which is just sky. It's a nice way of organizing the world for the player, something we miss in modern games. But there is a "bottom edge" that used to show up ugly, so I added basically a flat "side" so it looks like it's been chopped with a butcher's knife of terrain generation:


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